Ho Chi Mihn and Vung Tou, Vietnam – 1994. The US embargo against Vietnam was lifted in February 2004 and in March I took a trip to Ho Chi Mihn (formerly Saigon) to check out a company that we were interested in buying. The main operating location for the company was in Vung Tou which is a coastal port and is the main oilfield offshore base in Vietnam.
This is the view of Ho Chi Minh from my room in the floating hotel on the Mekong River.
Local Traffic, Ho Chi Mihn City
There were very few cars on the streets and they had to travel at the speed of the bicycles, Ho Chi Mihn City
Ho Chi Minh street
Ho Chi Minh street. Early morning traffic.
Ho Chi Minh street
Life on the back streets of Ho Chi Minh
I saw no delivery trucks in the main city. All goods were transported by hand pushed carts or bicycle and motorcycle trishaws.
I saw very few private cars in Vietnam but this was a beauty.
One of many buildings in downtown Ho Chi Minh showing lack of upkeep.
This is the highway between Ho Chi Minh and Vung Tou. Do not travel at night to dangerous.
This was a converted army truck. There was a guy standing on each side of the truck to direct the driver because he could not see where he was going or what was…
Vung Tou, Vietnam
Vung Tou is the main oilfield offshore base in Vietnam. This is the local harbor.
This is the view of the Mekong River from the floating hotel in central Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Mihn and Vung Tou, Vietnam – 1994. The US embargo against Vietnam was lifted in February 2004 and in March I took a trip to Ho Chi Mihn (formerly Saigon) to check out a company that we were interested in buying. The main operating location for the company was in Vung Tou which is a coastal port and is the main oilfield offshore base in Vietnam.